It is officially the last day of Winter Break! Woo Hoo or rather Boo Hoo! My littlest clown informed me last night that I have to go back to work just to get a vacation from them. (I was not real happy when he said that but I put on the restraints and didn't pop him) I can honestly say that I have accomplished nothing significant this break other than cooking cooking and more cooking! Oh, I served as a Taxi service, does that count?!?!?!?
Now, I'm a believer in the in Old Farmer's Almanac and even checked it last time we were in Books-a-Million. Where we live we never really see snow....there is this imaginary line that runs diagonally through the state that cuts us off. My parents and grandparents, who live in the upper northwest corner, will get snow way before we get anything. Each winter the kids and I look hopefully at the nightly weather report just to see if there is a snowballs chance in hell that we will see even the smallest flake. Last year we had two snow days minus the snow!!! All we can figure is that because it is such a sporadic event that the powers that be just decide (way early mind you) that just in case, we aren't going to be going to school. Last year, for example, they called school off at 5:00 in the afternoon when there was not a damn thing falling from the sky. All four clowns went to bed (finally) full of excitement and anticipation only to see nothing!! Do you hear me? NOTHING!!!! Anyway, the Almanac has predicted snow for January 8th in our neck of the woods.....and because the Hub works for a farm they are religious users of NOAA....Guess what NOAA is calling for a smattering of the white stuff this Thursday evening! Sure feels cold enough to me!!!!
Typically our family loads up and goes to see relatives in West Virginia during February just so the kids can play in the snow. Fortunately, after a few days in the snow my kids and the Hub are ready to pack it in and head home! We are truly southerners in that we like to see it for a day or two and then we are oh so glad to see it go....
When they call for snow in the South the craziest thing happens.....people rush out to the grocery for bread and milk. I'm not sure why that is but it's always been that way. If the weather man even hints of a chance of snow....there is no bread or milk to be found at the grocery! Seriously, what can you possible do with just those two things? If the power goes out, I guess you are left with naked bread and milk!!! Go figure, it's a southern tradition that makes absolutely no sense in my mind at all!
With visions of snowflakes dancing in my head....time to get to business and get ready for a busy work week!! Back to changing diapers and preparing young minds!