Today, for the first time in over a month, I have all four children under my roof. I should be at ease and have some sort of peace of mind. I've mowed the lawn which was a disaster....that's what happens when you don't mow the grass for a few weeks! If only those darn sleep aids would kick in!
It is 12:03 am and I've tried for the past hour to go to sleep. I've poked my husband to make him stop snoring. I've put the power chord to the lap top under the bed so that darn bright blue beacon won't light up the whole room. I've listened to the deep sleepy breathing of the puppies, who could sleep through an earthquake. I've changed pajama pants because the capri pants forced me to stay under the covers. The RLS isn't even driving me mad (which normally happens).
I find myself awake, sitting in the dark, and blogging. Not one of my finest moments but we all do what we have to do to get us through. I truly hate it when you try to fall asleep and it's like your brain just won't cut itself off.
So, what do you do when you can't sleep?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
5 days ago