Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My children make me want to do drugs and lots of them...well sometimes!!!!

Warning:  This is one of those rambling entries...that gets to point by way of going from the asshole to get to the elbow (as my grandmother would so eloquently put it).  I am neither direct or to the point with this one!

So....being a teacher to the average outsider sounds great...unless it's a teacher who has 4 children and said children are at home on same said winter break!  The Hub came home and jokingly called me "Betty Effing Crocker" because I had make Cheater's Chicken and Dumplings and Putter and Choco Popcorn (with real popcorn not the micro kind).   I admit I don't get to cook as much when I'm working because someone always has somewhere to be (not the holiday is any different).   My cooking is not as detailed or elaborate when I work....after getting up at 5:15 am and leaving the house at 6:15 to get to work by 7:00 (one child in tow mind you).  I have served as the alarm clock, made coffee, set out whatever needs to thaw for the evening meal, fed animals, and did I mention dressed myself while fighting for one of the three bathrooms!
I cook every night for several reasons...
1.  it would cost a small fortune to feed the 6 of us eating out each night....$100 a week 2 meals a day by shopping at Aldi is nothing to be scoffed at!
2.  I have one on the verge of being a vegetarian.  Makes it difficult to feed on a budget eating out.
3.  My gastro-intestinal tract would hate me forever...At least with my cooking I know what goes in!
4.  The Hub works for a farm and fresh Veg is pretty limitless....(3 out of 4 kids hate that)
So....I do cook daily but when I'm off I cook three times a day!  Yes....bad mother cooks three times a day!  Granted if they don't like what is being served, they don't have to eat it.  It's there just the same!  This Winter Holiday I have served as a Taxi service to Princess!  But even then they got the Ham Sammies with poppy seeds and honey....they still opted for Mall food (but with their own money).  While we were gone though chili was in the crock cooking away!
Did I mention that I idiolize The Pioneer Woman??? Seriously....Who could stay at home, teach their children, write a cook book, do photography, write such an eloquent blog, and run a cooking site???? And remain completely and totally sane?  I would need serious drugs!  I don't think there are enough drugs out there that would enable me to be a home school momma!  Vacation time, especially summer time is enough to drive me up a wall!!! After three weeks I am ready for school to start back and that includes me going back to work!

I have come to the conclusion after listing out all of the things that I do...that...I am under paid, over worked, under appreciated, and the list goes on and on.  I need drugs...oh, that's right the psychiatrist is my friend and has a laundry list of drugs that I am supposed to take!  Ok, so I am not a good girl and don't take the full list of prescribed drugs.  My rationale, a control freak cannot function when over medicated!  My Topomax works great to ward off those evil migraines but wreaks havoc on the appetite!  I bake/cook all kinds of new things and then can't even eat it!  But on the other hand, I'm still a fat girl with a skinny girl screaming to get out!  I did lose enough before Christmas that I no longer have to shop in the Big Mama section of the store...that's a good thing!

I think my ranting and raving has gone on too long!  I've been absent from my blog for so long because of crazy schedules and that damn thing called Facebook!  Today I just figured I could make up for all those missing months of no entries with several posts.  New Year's a much better blogger and make the Hub finally go out and get me that camera.  First, he has to return the mini computer (which I have not popped the seal on) so I can get a better camera!

Night all!


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