Sometimes I wish that I was something or someone else. Who doesn't? I'm sure that we can all say that there has been at least one moment in all of our lives that we have made this wish. The funny thing is that I have no idea what/who I would rather be. No matter what/who you are there is always a down side. So, I should be putting on my "big girl knickers" and just deal with what/who I am.
Today is one of those rare days that all of there children are somewhere else. Normally I would be elated but being between pay checks that makes us flat broke.....I have crocheted dish cloths for my mom and grandmother and need to finish one more. I have sewn all of the patterns that I own so no sewing to be had today. I have counted $52 in silver coins (for what purpose I do not know). Dishes have been put away and dirties have been loaded into the dishwasher. I really should be making the weekly grocery list (since the kids have been here and there I have not done regular grocery shopping for TWO whole weeks) and meal planning since my dad and step-mother will be coming in for the weekend. I dread that in some ways but in other ways I think it is good for my children to be able to get to know them better. We only see them one to two times a year, which is really sad when you think about it in that way. I'm not really all that close to my father and have not been for a really long time. That's a story for another day.
This upcoming weekend will involve the hub working most of the weekend and me doing the majority of the entertaining. They are my family so it's all fair. He did help me last week by encouraging me to finally get a new bed (we've been sleeping on mattresses on the floor for the past two years) and getting new living room furniture. All old furniture was donated but I was really embarrassed that our old couch really smelled doggy-liscious! Yuck! But since Hub is working most of the weekend meal plans need to involve something other than the grill....the last time I tried to do the grill was a complete and total disaster. I'm still wondering how I escaped without burning my hair..... I didn't realize that you should push the button with the lid DOWN! I almost went up in the POOF of curly hair....There is a god out there and he watches over me!!!!
Okay I've blogged my complaints and made a bloggy list of things that I need to get accomplished! The dogs are both snoring, the sky is grey, and the thunder is rolling....NAPTIME!!! Yeah right!
The good, the bad, and the fascists
5 days ago
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