Monday, August 31, 2009

Sick Day

Yes that is tissues coming from the nose of that box!  I'm unfortunately having to take a day off of work from the crud....Where did I get this nice cold, flu, or whatever the hell it is?  I know exactly who the culprit is.  Last Thursday night one of my little clowns decided to fall on his arm while playing football.  After much icing and watching and many tears the hubs and I decided that we needed to take him to Urgent Care.  Because I didn't really want what my hubs had made for dinner (usally I love his cooking but heartburn in a tortilla, I think not)  it was my job to take Shayde to the Doc.  As you know, because it is all over the news, swine flu is in the air.  There were people there with symptoms and they were dutifully wearing their masks so as not to put the rest of us in peril.  But there is that one little princess who refused to put on a mask, instead she is under her blankie puking in a pan. 
Granny brings the pan (filled with puke mind you) across the whole of the waiting area.  We all know that pan was teaming with whatever funk that child had and it was wafting through the air for those of us not required to wear a mask.  Lo and behold Friday I start sneezing and my face was itching like crazy...the itchy face is usually a sign of one of two things (drunkeness or illness).  Unfortunately it was the latter of the two.  So on my free days off and a child-free weekend to boot...I'm carrying forth the funk of the pretty, pretty princess who refused to wear the mask.   Arrrggghhhhhhh! 
        So here I sit, dog on either side (snoring I might add) and I'm feeling increasingly jealous that I too am not snoozing with them.  A box of tissues down and a new one started.....sniff, sniff, honk, honk, sneeze, sneeze, cough, cough....and so it goes.  The ringmaster is down but not out.

My husband thinks he is still a teenager!

  I truly love my husband but sometimes he just infuriates me!  I know that he is in some twisted way reliving his childhood but going the the Cruefest every year but today was not the day to go.  I've come down with a cold which could not have been foretold.  I can let that one go because losing money is not something that I am keen on.  But then again it is Sunday and like every other week on Sunday I have to wait patiently for my ex mother in-law to call so that I can drive the 45 minute drive to get the princess so that she can come home.  That in itself is a sore subject that I'm sure I will get on a soapbox with eventually.  Right now it is the current delimma that I have to face.  I hate to say this but there are times when it comes to the day to day care of the children and house that I feel like a working single mom.  I know that in the farm business there are going to be long (I do mean long!) nights for the hubs.  During sports season I run around like a derranged lunatic trying to get everyone where they need to go while I pray the whole time the I don't forget to pick anyone up.  (I have not done that yet but it really wouldn't surprise me if I did)  Back to the 45 minute drive and the fact that my 14 year old (who has been less than responsible as of late) will have to watch the 11 and 8 year old lil clowns.  So that leaves them alone for close to 2 hours assuming that the ex mother in-law is on time and that is a rarity in itself. 
     I'm on a soapbox and I really didn't intend on getting on a soapbox but it happens.  Just like shit happens!  I just think it is ridiculous that two grown men are acting like groupies.  I wrote this and didn't post it so the saga continued!

Part Deaux

Of course the cold that has been plagueing my since Friday decided it was time to get really wicked on the drive up to get Bre!  I swear if I had any luck  it would be pure bad luck because the rain was hideous.  The kind that makes you want to look up at the sky to see if there are a few cats and dogs mixed in.  The further I get up the  road, the more queasy I got.  So queasy that I had to stop on the side of the interstate and throw up.  Which was just great because South Carolina picks and chooses where they mow the grass.  Bre is staring at me with a mixture of shock and disgust and then the worry set in...."Please don't puke in the car!"  "That would be just nasty and I don't think I want to ride in a puke care!"  Such comforting thoughts.  Ok now the adventure cell rings and Shayde is stammering on the other line.  Through waves of feeling pukey I'm thinking that they have broken something or the lights have gone out in the storm.  Oh to be so lucky....that wasn't the case.  He had diarrhea and had not quite made it to the bathroom.  Doing 80mph in the rain on the interstate while holding back puke and trying to explain how he should go about cleaning himself up.  He would have been mortified if I'd even hinted that he ask his older sister to help him so that thought was definitely out. 

Yesterday was just further proof that I live in a circus! 

Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Beginnings

I've blogged a few years ago but the circus overtook all my time. By circus I don't mean the one with the elephants, lions, tigers, and acrobats that travels around and brings us a few hours of joy. My life and family are my circus and I am the ringmaster/head clown! Welcome to the show! I live with four little clowns and one clown that lives in another nest. My husband may try to claim to be a co-ringmaster but he's just a big ole teddy bear. They know this and they take full advantage when I'm away. My husband and I married four years ago last June and have been going strong since with many adventures along the way. He brought with him four clowns of his own and I brought one dramatic clown princess with me. The beginnings were rough because the children (clowns) were not used to sharing their parents with someone new. My daughter and I moved two hours away from home to join this new, bigger circus and it's been a true journey since. I suppose I should introduce you to the players in my show....So here goes!

My hubs- Lovely man, who I love very much! He is the bread to my butter or fruit to my loops. I can say I was truly blessed when I met him.

Ok I really hate having my picture taken...but my daughter caught the hairy eyeball in this one. She likes to refer to my doo as the Crusty the Clown meets Kramer!

My bio-child. The dramatic, princess clown. She has the hair to match her personality I must say that after nine years of being an only child and then being thrown into our blended family circus she has done quite well. I don't always understand her but I don't suppose you are supposed to understand teenagers.

My step-children (who by all accounts should be my very own)

The quiet, shy clown that needs much watching. I never realized how much that saying was true but since becoming a teen it trully is the truth. She is the quiet observer that in her own right longs to have her bio-mom be what she thinks a mother should be.

The middle child who is a clown of all clowns. He is definitely going to be a smartass like his father when he grows up. He is the one that responds when princess clown announces she is going running, "Where you gonna run to?"

The youngest and future heartbreaking clown. He has that "I'm the baby and you will obey me!" He really can be so sweet and even looks like my and the princess clown. Since getting him at three he's really been into the swing of things and might as well have come out of my very own body!

The oldest clown child. He may not be a child but still has a lot to learn about the world. I've told him if you don't want honesty, I'm not the one you should be talking to. It is our hope that he will find his way without too many stumbles along the way.