Monday, August 31, 2009

Sick Day

Yes that is tissues coming from the nose of that box!  I'm unfortunately having to take a day off of work from the crud....Where did I get this nice cold, flu, or whatever the hell it is?  I know exactly who the culprit is.  Last Thursday night one of my little clowns decided to fall on his arm while playing football.  After much icing and watching and many tears the hubs and I decided that we needed to take him to Urgent Care.  Because I didn't really want what my hubs had made for dinner (usally I love his cooking but heartburn in a tortilla, I think not)  it was my job to take Shayde to the Doc.  As you know, because it is all over the news, swine flu is in the air.  There were people there with symptoms and they were dutifully wearing their masks so as not to put the rest of us in peril.  But there is that one little princess who refused to put on a mask, instead she is under her blankie puking in a pan. 
Granny brings the pan (filled with puke mind you) across the whole of the waiting area.  We all know that pan was teaming with whatever funk that child had and it was wafting through the air for those of us not required to wear a mask.  Lo and behold Friday I start sneezing and my face was itching like crazy...the itchy face is usually a sign of one of two things (drunkeness or illness).  Unfortunately it was the latter of the two.  So on my free days off and a child-free weekend to boot...I'm carrying forth the funk of the pretty, pretty princess who refused to wear the mask.   Arrrggghhhhhhh! 
        So here I sit, dog on either side (snoring I might add) and I'm feeling increasingly jealous that I too am not snoozing with them.  A box of tissues down and a new one started.....sniff, sniff, honk, honk, sneeze, sneeze, cough, cough....and so it goes.  The ringmaster is down but not out.

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