I truly love my husband but sometimes he just infuriates me! I know that he is in some twisted way reliving his childhood but going the the Cruefest every year but today was not the day to go. I've come down with a cold which could not have been foretold. I can let that one go because losing money is not something that I am keen on. But then again it is Sunday and like every other week on Sunday I have to wait patiently for my ex mother in-law to call so that I can drive the 45 minute drive to get the princess so that she can come home. That in itself is a sore subject that I'm sure I will get on a soapbox with eventually. Right now it is the current delimma that I have to face. I hate to say this but there are times when it comes to the day to day care of the children and house that I feel like a working single mom. I know that in the farm business there are going to be long (I do mean long!) nights for the hubs. During sports season I run around like a derranged lunatic trying to get everyone where they need to go while I pray the whole time the I don't forget to pick anyone up. (I have not done that yet but it really wouldn't surprise me if I did) Back to the 45 minute drive and the fact that my 14 year old (who has been less than responsible as of late) will have to watch the 11 and 8 year old lil clowns. So that leaves them alone for close to 2 hours assuming that the ex mother in-law is on time and that is a rarity in itself.
I'm on a soapbox and I really didn't intend on getting on a soapbox but it happens. Just like shit happens! I just think it is ridiculous that two grown men are acting like groupies. I wrote this and didn't post it so the saga continued!
Part Deaux
Of course the cold that has been plagueing my since Friday decided it was time to get really wicked on the drive up to get Bre! I swear if I had any luck it would be pure bad luck because the rain was hideous. The kind that makes you want to look up at the sky to see if there are a few cats and dogs mixed in. The further I get up the road, the more queasy I got. So queasy that I had to stop on the side of the interstate and throw up. Which was just great because South Carolina picks and chooses where they mow the grass. Bre is staring at me with a mixture of shock and disgust and then the worry set in...."Please don't puke in the car!" "That would be just nasty and I don't think I want to ride in a puke care!" Such comforting thoughts. Ok now the adventure starts....my cell rings and Shayde is stammering on the other line. Through waves of feeling pukey I'm thinking that they have broken something or the lights have gone out in the storm. Oh to be so lucky....that wasn't the case. He had diarrhea and had not quite made it to the bathroom. Doing 80mph in the rain on the interstate while holding back puke and trying to explain how he should go about cleaning himself up. He would have been mortified if I'd even hinted that he ask his older sister to help him so that thought was definitely out.
Yesterday was just further proof that I live in a circus!
The good, the bad, and the fascists
5 days ago
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