I was just reading an old blog that I no longer use and ran across pictures of the kids from four years ago. In such a little time my children have blossomed. It seems so odd that they have changed not only in their looks but also in their personalities. We've been through our fair share of trials, tribulation, and celebrations but to look back four years and imagine myself back then is truly awe inspiring. I never really thought that the ride of life would truly be like a roller coaster with ups and downs and squeals of happiness and screams of frustration. All that considered here we are and they are growing so quickly. I have a hard time looking toward the future to imagine where they will be four years from now. I want to magically wave a wand and make time stand still but I know that is not possibly and simply an unjust wish for my children. There is so much out there in that great big world for them to see and experience. I can only hope that they never forget that there truly is, "No place like home." "Home is where your story begins and where you run to when the big bad world gets you down."

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