And here I thought the pollen was not going to affect the people in my house but foiled again! Princess calls around 10 and because the farm (where Hub works) is being inspected to become FDA rated it falls on me to leave work for the day. I should not be complaining but economically it would have been a waste for me to pick her up, drop her off, and then go back to work. Imitrex, zyrtec, and a nap is just what the doctor ordered. In the mean time, I have cleaned the counter and made room for the new toaster oven, doctored the slow cooker cowboy beans, mixed up the ranch potato salad, and here I sit blogging as if there weren't another million or so things calling my name. I left work and swore that I would work on paperwork but I don't see that happening.....although I will definitely complain later when I'm typing the words observation and task analysis data 15 gajillion times. On the bright side, I get a little peace and quiet (NOT something that happens as a rule in our house).
The Hub is celebrating his 38th birthday this weekend but won't be home to celebrate with us....(A soap box moment is coming on, BEWARE) I should be okay with this yearly tradition of his. You see, he and his childhood friend have birthdays only days apart and they have always celebrated their birthdays together. Each year they pick something to do on their birthday weekends and this year they are going to a beer convention in Raleigh, NC. I'm not jealous of the fact that I am missing a beer convention because I detest the taste of beer and really don't see the point in drinking what is essentially bread in a bottle. My hips can't stand anymore carbs and if I'm going to indulge it's going to be the real thing. I like bread real bread! So to sum it up, my husband is going away to play while I wrangle the kids and trot them from here to yon....Whoop Whoop!
The good, the bad, and the fascists
5 days ago
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