Friday, September 18, 2009

Momma said there would be days like me I should have listened.

        When school starts it always seems like the beginning of the end.  Leaving before dark and then coming home to scurry around making sure that dinner and chores are done. I'm sure that one day it won't be  so hectic and everyone says that I will miss all of the hussle and bussle.  I think these people never lived in a house with four wild children.  Next weekend I will get my taste of life sans children and hubby though.  The kids will be with grandparents and the Hubb will be in Atlanta at a car show.  I probably should take him up on the offer to meet him there but somehow I think the peace and quiet will do me some good.  I truly believe in mental health days and my mental health weekend in but a mear week away!  Maybe I can start a crochet project or paint that chair planter that my father in-law fixed for me.  Maybe lying in bed in PJ's all day would be good toooooo!  As for tomorrow it is cleaning day!  The youngest little piggy is going to have a thorough cleaning because he has stuffed and crammed until I can no longer stand to enter his room!  If you don't hear from me for a few weeks, I was probably sucked into the abyss that is his room!!!!!

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