Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Just to prove that I have really cooked this week...The Menu...

Dinner Menu for this Week:
Monday:  Crocky Pot Chili
Tuesday:  Cheatin' Chicken and Dumplins
Wednesday:  Saucy Salsa Dip and Quesadillas (vegetarian and meat)
Thursday:  Hub is cooking Fried Turkey Breast, broccoli casserole, asparagus, and Jacked up Mac
Friday: Collards, Black Eyed Peas, Ham with Left overs from Thursday

As mentioned previously, I do not shop at "regular" grocery stores.  I can't do it for a reasonable price.  When the Hub and I first married five years ago we went to the local military base and shopped at the commissary monthly.  This was completely willy nilly and got out of control!  The Hub and I cannot do the shopping together either!  Main reason being he likes to throw things into the buggy...with no rhyme or reason just throw things into the cart.  "Oh this looks good, let's try this!!"  That really irks me to no end!  My shopping method....go in with a menu plan and a list.  I usually stick to the list and have managed to feed everyone lunches and dinners and breakfast for around $100 each week.  There is the occasional meat item and coffee creamer that we can't get from Aldi but the majority of everything we consume and use is purchased here.  I had never until I married my husband...something about depositing a quarter for a cart and then getting the quarter back upon returning the cart was a bit of a put off.  My Nana had a hard time with the quarter thing too...but had an even harder time with buying or bringing your own bags!!

1 comment:

  1. It will be great to watch Clemson Tigers,i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.
